Air Force School, CHAFB aims in building positive values and attitudes, stimulating children’s interest in learning and enhancing self-confidence in them in order to lay a strong edifice for their future learning.


Based on the principles of fostering children’s comprehensive and balanced development, the integrated curriculum that we follow help children to achieve five developmental objectives, namely: Moral, Cognitive, Physical, Social and Aesthetic Development, with a view of nurturing children to attain all-round development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.

The school lays emphasis upon three interconnected components, i.e., ‘Values and Attitudes’, ‘Skills’ and ‘Knowledge’. It aims in building positive values and attitudes, stimulating children’s interest in learning and enhancing self-confidence in them in order to lay a strong edifice for their future learning. In addition to these values, building of character, team spirit, dedication to purpose, patriotic outlook and sense of citizenship are inculcated in children.